============ pyramid_mako ============ Overview ======== :term:`pyramid_mako` is a set of bindings that makes templates written for the :term:`Mako` templating system work under the :term:`Pyramid` web framework. :term:`Mako` is a templating system written by Mike Bayer. Installation ============ #. Make a :term:`virtual environment` workspace: .. code-block:: bash $ export VENV=~/env $ python3 -m venv $VENV #. Use ``pip`` to get pyramid_mako and its direct dependencies installed: $ $VENV/bin/pip install pyramid_mako Setup ===== There are two ways to make sure that ``pyramid_mako`` is active. Both are completely equivalent: #) Use the ``includeme`` function via ``config.include``:: config.include('pyramid_mako') #) Put a reference to ``pyramid_mako`` within the ``pyramid.includes`` value in your ``ini`` file configuration:: pyramid.includes = pyramid_mako Once activated, files with the ``.mako`` or ``.mak`` extension are considered to be :term:`Mako` templates. Usage ===== Once :term:`pyramid_mako` has been activated ``.mako`` templates can be used by the Pyramid rendering system. When used as the ``renderer`` argument of a view, the view must return a ``Response`` object or a Python ``dict``. The ``Response`` object would bypass the renderer entirely. Otherwise the items in the ``dict`` would be available in the global template space. If the view callable returns anything but a ``Response`` object or a ``dict``, an error will likely be raised. .. _template_lookups: Template Lookup Mechanisms -------------------------- There are several ways for Pyramid to find your :term:`Mako` templates. Asset Specifications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Templates may always be defined using an :term:`asset specification`. These are strings which define an absolute location of the template, relative to some Python package. For example, ``myapp.views:templates/home.mako``. These specifications are supported throughout Pyramid and provide a fool-proof way to find any supporting assets bundled with your application. Here's an example view configuration which uses an :term:`asset specification`: .. code-block:: python :linenos: @view_config(renderer='mypackage:templates/foo.mak') def hello_world(request): return {'a':'1'} Asset specifications have some significant benefits in Pyramid, as they are fully overridable. An addon package can ship with code looking to render all of its rendering done using asset specs. Later another package can include the addon and provide customized templates without having to actually modify the addon package. See :ref:`overriding_assets_section` for more information. Caller-Relative Template Lookup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, templates are discovered relative to the caller's package. This means that if you define a view in a Python module, the templates would be found relative to the module's directory on the filesystem. Let's look at an example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: @view_config(renderer='templates/mytemplate.mako') def myview(request): return {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2} Imagine that the above code is in a ``myapp.admin.views`` module. The template would be relative to that module on the filesystem, as shown below:: myapp |- __init__.py `- admin |- views.py `- templates `- mytemplate.mako One significant advantage of this approach over search paths (described below) is that the path is actually converted into an :term:`asset specification` in the background. This allows the template lookup to be modified using Pyramid's powerful asset overriding APIs such as ``config.override_asset``. Caller-relative lookup also avoids naming collisions which can be common in a search path-based approach. Search Path-Based Template Lookup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When used outside of Pyramid, Mako's default lookup mechanism is a search path. To use this mechanism within Pyramid, simply define the search path using the ``mako.directories`` configuration setting. Rendering :term:`Mako` templates with a search path is typically done as follows: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.view import view_config @view_config(renderer='mytemplate.mako') def myview(request): return {'foo':1, 'bar':2} We are now dependent on our configuration settings to tell us where the template may be located. Commonly a ``templates`` directory is created at the base of the package and the configuration file will include the following directive:: mako.directories = mypkg:templates Templates Including Templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mako allows template inheritance as well as other mechanisms for templates to load each other. The lookup mechanisms supported in these cases include asset specifications and template-relative names. Automatically Reloading Templates --------------------------------- It's often convenient to see changes you make to a template file appear immediately without needing to restart the application process. Pyramid allows you to configure your application development environment so that a change to a template will be automatically detected, and the template will be reloaded on the next rendering. .. warning:: Auto-template-reload behavior is not recommended for production sites as it slows rendering slightly; it's usually only desirable during development. In order to turn on automatic reloading of templates, you can use a configuration file setting, or an environment variable. To use a setting in the application ``.ini`` file for the same purpose, set the ``pyramid.reload_templates`` key to ``true`` within the application's configuration section, e.g.: .. code-block:: ini :linenos: [app:main] use = egg:MyProject pyramid.reload_templates = true To use an environment variable, start your application under a shell using the ``PYRAMID_RELOAD_TEMPLATES`` operating system environment variable set to ``1``, For example: .. code-block:: text $ PYRAMID_RELOAD_TEMPLATES=1 bin/pserve myproject.ini .. note:: If you are already familiar with the Mako Templating Language, then you should be aware that configuration options for Pyramid and Mako may cause some confusion. Pyramid offers a universal ``pyramid.reload_templates`` setting to manage similar functionality across multiple template systems. Pyramid's ``reload_templates`` is essentially a proxy to Mako's ``filesystem_checks`` configuration option (with support for some other Pyramid-specific features built in). If ``reload_templates`` is set to ``True``, Pyramid will pass ``filesystem_checks = True`` to Mako (and vice-versa). Traditionally in Mako, a ``TemplateLookup`` instance will have the default value ``filesystem_checks = True`` and one must explicitly disable this behavior. However, Pyramid's default behavior is for ``reload_templates`` to be ``None``, which Mako will treat as a ``False`` value for this setting. Because of this difference, the Mako integration of ``pyramid_mako`` may not initially behave as you expect it would. Mako's ``filesystem_checks`` are disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled by setting ``pyramid.reload_templates`` to ``true``. You can also affect ``reload_templates`` with the environment variable ``PYRAMID_RELOAD_TEMPLATES`` as described above. A Sample Mako Template ---------------------- Here's what a simple :term:`Mako` template used under ``pyramid_mako`` might look like: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: ${project} Application

Welcome to ${project}, an application generated by the pyramid web framework.

This template doesn't use any advanced features of Mako, only the ``${}`` replacement syntax for names that are passed in as :term:`renderer globals`. See the `the Mako documentation `_ to use more advanced features. Template Variables provided by Pyramid -------------------------------------- :term:`Pyramid` by default will provide a set of variables that are available within your templates, please see :ref:`renderer_system_values` for more information about those variables. .. note:: There is one variable that has to be renamed due to having an naming conflict with an internal Mako variable. ``context`` will be renamed to ``_context`` To output the name of the current context you would use the following: .. code-block:: mako
Context name: ${_context.__name__}
Using A Mako def name Within a Renderer Name -------------------------------------------- Sometimes you'd like to render a ``def`` inside of a Mako template instead of the full Mako template. To render a def inside a Mako template, given a :term:`Mako` template file named ``foo.mak`` and a def named ``bar``, you can configure the template as a :term:`renderer` like so: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.view import view_config @view_config(renderer='foo#bar.mak') def my_view(request): return {'project':'my project'} The above will render the ``bar`` def from within the ``foo.mak`` template instead of the entire template. .. _adding_or_overriding_renderers: Adding or Overriding a Renderer ------------------------------- By default, pyramid_mako registers two renderers, one for ``.mako`` and another for ``.mak`` file extensions. The configuration for these renderers are loaded from the ``mako.`` settings in your ini file. It's possible to add Mako renderers for alternate file extensions, or override the default ``.mak`` and ``.mako`` renderers with your own settings using the :func:`pyramid_mako.add_mako_renderer` directive. .. code-block:: python :linenos: config.include('pyramid_mako') config.add_mako_renderer('.mak', settings_prefix='mymak.') config.add_mako_renderer('.html') config.add_mako_renderer('.email', settings_prefix='makoemail.') At the end of this setup, there will be 4 renderers registered. ``.mako`` and ``.html`` renderers are loaded from the ``mako.`` settings, and ``.mak`` is using the ``mymak.`` settings. Finally ``.email`` templates will be using the ``makoemail.`` settings. Some example usage follows: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.renderers import render @view_config(renderer='foo.html') def show_email(request): email_body = render('hello.email', {}) return { 'email_body': email_body, } .. _mako_template_renderer_settings: Settings ======== Mako derives additional settings to configure its template renderer. Many of these settings are optional and only need to be set if they should be different from the default. The below values can be present in the ``.ini`` file used to configure the Pyramid application (in the ``app`` section representing your Pyramid app) or they can be passed directly within the ``settings`` argument passed to a Pyramid Configurator. The Mako Template Renderer uses a subclass of Mako's `template lookup `_ and accepts several arguments to configure it. These settings match those arguments. Mako Directories ---------------- The value(s) supplied here are passed in as the template directories. They should be in :term:`asset specification` format, for example: ``my.package:templates`` would specify the ``templates`` folder relative to the location of the ``my.package`` Python package. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.directories`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ Mako Caching ------------ The values supplied here are passed in ``TemplateLookup`` as the ``cache_args``. `More docs about caching in Mako `_. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.cache.timeout`` | +-----------------------------+ | ``mako.cache.type`` | +-----------------------------+ | ``mako.cache.url`` | +-----------------------------+ | ``mako.cache.dir`` | +-----------------------------+ Setting the cache implementation is done using the `cache_impl`, the Mako default is to use ``beaker``. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.cache_impl`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ Mako Module Directory --------------------- The value supplied here tells Mako where to store compiled Mako templates. If omitted, compiled templates will be stored in memory. This value should be an absolute path, for example: ``%(here)s/data/templates`` would use a directory called ``data/templates`` in the same parent directory as the INI file. The folder can also be an asset specification, defining a directory relative to the package. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.module_directory`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ Mako Input Encoding ------------------- The encoding that Mako templates are assumed to have. By default this is set to ``utf-8``. If you wish to use a different template encoding, this value should be changed accordingly. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.input_encoding`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ Mako Error Handler ------------------ A callable (or a :term:`dotted Python name` which names a callable) which is called whenever Mako compile or runtime exceptions occur. The callable is passed the current context as well as the exception. If the callable returns True, the exception is considered to be handled, else it is re-raised after the function completes. Is used to provide custom error-rendering functions. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.error_handler`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ Mako Default Filters -------------------- List of string filter names that will be applied to all Mako expressions (see `Mako Expression Filtering `_ and `default_filters `_). By default, this is set to ``['h']`` for HTML escaping. If you wish to use Mako's default filters, this should be set to ``None``. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.default_filters`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ Mako Import ----------- String list of Python statements, typically individual "import" lines, which will be placed into the module level preamble of all generated Python modules. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.imports`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ Mako ``__future__`` Import -------------------------- String list of Python features to import, defined in :mod:`__future__` module, named as if they were actually imported with a ``from __future__ import FEATURE`` import (see :class:`mako.lookup.TemplateLookup` :attr:`future_imports` parameter). Equivalent imports will be placed at first line into the module level preamble of all generated Python modules. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.future_imports`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ .. versionadded:: 1.0 Mako Strict Undefined --------------------- ``true`` or ``false``, representing the "strict undefined" behavior of Mako (see `Mako Context Variables `_). By default, this is ``false``. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.strict_undefined`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ Mako Preprocessor ----------------- A callable (or a :term:`dotted Python name` which names a callable) which is called to preprocess the source before the template is called. The callable will be passed the full template source before it is parsed. The return result of the callable will be used as the template source code. +-----------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +=============================+ | ``mako.preprocessor`` | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ Preprocessor - Pyramid Settings ------------------------------------ If set to ``true``, the ``mako.preprocessor`` will be wrapped in a function that invokes the preprocessor with pyramid's config settings as the second argument. This will allow the preprocessor to act based upon the settings. def mako_preprocessor(template, settings): template = template.replace("foo", settings.get("foo_replacement")) return template +----------------------------------------+ | Config File Setting Name | +========================================+ | ``mako.preprocessor_wants_settings`` | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------+ Reloading Templates ------------------- When this value is true, templates are automatically reloaded whenever they are modified without restarting the application, so you can see changes to templates take effect immediately during development. This flag is meaningful to most template rendering add-ons. +---------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Environment Variable Name | Config File Setting Name | +=================================+================================+ | ``PYRAMID_RELOAD_TEMPLATES`` | ``pyramid.reload_templates`` | | | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------+ Unit Testing ============ When you are running unit tests, you will be required to use ``config.include('pyramid_mako')`` to add :term:`pyramid_mako` so that its renderers are added to the config and can be used.: .. code-block:: python from pyramid import testing from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid.renderers import render # The view we want to test def some_view(request): return Response(render('mypkg:templates/home.mako', {'var': 'testing'})) class TestViews(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.config = testing.setUp() self.config.include('pyramid_mako') def tearDown(self): testing.tearDown() def test_some_view(self): from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest request = DummyRequest() response = some_view(request) # templates/home.mako starts with the standard tag for HTML5 self.assertTrue('